24 March 2023

Copy of more potential benefits of a small business having a business attorney conduct a legal audit on its business

By Yoel Molina, Esq.


E-mail: fd@molawoffice.com and office: 305-548-5020 2655 S.

Lejuene Road, Suite 500 Coral Gables, Fl. 33134


  • COMPLIANCE WITH EMPLOYMENT LAWS: A business attorney can help a small business ensure that they are in compliance with federal and state employment laws, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

  • REDUCTION OF LEGAL RISKS: A business attorney can help a small business identify potential legal risks related to employment and labor law, such as discrimination claims or wage and hour violations, and develop strategies to mitigate those risks.

  • PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: A business attorney can help a small business protect its intellectual property assets related to employment and labor law, such as proprietary trade secrets or inventions.

  • REVIEW OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS AND POLICIES: A business attorney can review and draft employment contracts and policies, such as employee handbooks, non-disclosure agreements, and non-compete agreements, to ensure they are legally sound and meet the needs of the business.

  • REPRESENTATION IN EMPLOYMENT LITIGATION: A business attorney can represent a small business in employment litigation, such as wrongful termination claims, discrimination claims, and wage and hour disputes.

  • HANDLING OF REGULATORY INVESTIGATIONS: A business attorney can represent a small business in regulatory investigations related to employment and labor law, such as investigations by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

  • TRAINING FOR MANAGERS AND EMPLOYEES: A business attorney can provide training for managers and employees on employment and labor law topics, such as sexual harassment prevention, workplace safety, and employee privacy.

  • PREPARATION FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: A business attorney can help a small business prepare for collective bargaining with labor unions, including negotiating and drafting effective collective bargaining agreements.

  • DEVELOPMENT OF WORKPLACE POLICIES: A business attorney can help a small business develop effective workplace policies related to employment and labor law, such as policies related to employee discipline, performance evaluations, and accommodation requests.

  • IMPROVED HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: A business attorney can provide guidance on effective human resources management practices, such as recruitment, hiring, and employee retention, which can help a small business attract and retain top talent.

  • COST-EFFECTIVE LEGAL REPRESENTATION: A business attorney can provide cost-effective legal representation by handling employment and labor law matters efficiently, and can help a small business save money on legal fees in the long run.

  • EARLY RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES: A business attorney can help a small business resolve employment and labor disputes early on, which can prevent disputes from escalating and becoming more costly to the business.

  • PROTECTION AGAINST WRONGFUL TERMINATION CLAIMS: A business attorney can help a small business develop effective termination policies and procedures, which can help protect against wrongful termination claims.

  • ASSISTANCE WITH EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION: A business attorney can assist a small business with properly classifying employees as exempt or non-exempt, which can help prevent wage and hour violations.

  • HANDLING OF EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS: A business attorney can handle employee complaints related to employment and labor law matters, which can help prevent these issues from escalating into legal disputes.

  • REPRESENTATION IN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS: A business attorney can represent a small business in administrative hearings related to employment and labor law, such as unemployment insurance hearings or workers' compensation claims.

  • PROTECTION OF TRADE SECRETS AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: A business attorney can help a small business protect its trade secrets and confidential information related to employment and labor law matters, which can help prevent this information from being used against the business.

  • ASSISTANCE WITH EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: A business attorney can assist a small business with developing and administering employee benefits, such as health insurance plans and retirement plans.

  • REDUCTION OF LIABILITY FOR WORKPLACE INJURIES: A business attorney can help a small business develop effective workplace safety policies and procedures, which can help reduce liability for workplace injuries and workers' compensation claims.

  • IMPROVED REPUTATION AND BRAND IMAGE: A business attorney can help a small business develop effective employment and labor policies and practices, which can help improve the business's reputation and brand image among employees, customers, and investors.



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Law Office of Yoel Molina, P.A.


Law Office of Yoel Molina, P.A.


Phone: 305-548-5020, option 1

Email: admin@molawoffice.com

WhatsApp: 305-204-9635